Neocaridina shrimp, also known commonly as the cherry shrimp or the color variations associated with it such as blue velvet, yellow rice, green jade, orange pumpkin, Rili variations, black rose...
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Keeping freshwater shrimp has become very popular in the fish-keeping hobby. Their vibrant colors and unique behaviors allow them to give your tank a new and interesting addition. One of the...
Ram Cichlids are a favorite for many members of the fish-keeping community. Their spectacular colors, unique behavior and the ability to both be added as a showpiece, or as a group allow them to...
Very often when having a planted aquarium, freshwater shrimp will be added as a tank inhabitant. Plants and freshwater shrimp naturally go together in many instances. Planted tanks...
In the world of fish tanks, live plants can help provide great benefits to your tank environment, as well as added aesthetic appeal. When it comes to the needs of aquatic plants, CO2 is a big...
Top Snails for Your Tank When You Want to Limit Reproduction
Aquarium snails can be a unique and interesting addition to many aquariums, providing a different visual and some color. They can also give almost any tank an additional clean-up crew, removing...