There are thousands of different species and varieties of those species in the fish-keeping hobby. However, there are a few that anyone from the newest to most experienced hobbyists could recognize. These are 10 of the most common fish in the fish-keeping hobby.

1. Guppies
Guppies have a wide variety of colors and patterns, however, they are categorized into 12 types based on their tail shape. When a fish keeper wants to begin breeding fish, this is typically one of the first they will try. This is because Guppies are live-bearers and are very easy to breed. Though they are not schooling fish, they are typically kept in groups and can easily be kept in tanks of 10 gallons and up.

2. Bettas
Also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish, these colorful tropical fish have 70 different variations. These fish are known for being kept on their own in a smaller tank. Some also group several females known as a sorority if desired.

3. Neon Tetras
These small red and blue fish are one of the most common fish found in pet stores and all types of aquariums. A schooling fish, Neon tetras is recommended to be kept in a group of 6, they are also found in larger groups, in larger tanks to get the schooling behavior and look in an aquarium. These fish are great due to their smaller size as they can be kept in bigger groups, without needing massive aquariums.

4. Goldfish
A staple in the fish-keeping hobby, the goldfish is one the most recognizable fish kept. A cold water fish means that these fish can live in tanks without the need for a heater. The goldfish variations seen today are man-made an can not be found in nature, as they were domesticated in China thousands of years ago. These variations can range in size from 2 inches up to a couple of feet.

5. Harlequin Rasboras
First introduced in the aquarium hobby at the beginning of the 20th century, these have become a staple to many aquariums. These awesome fish are known for their distinct black marking on the back half of their body, eye-catching metallic color, and ease of care. Though they are not tight schooling fish, it is recommended that they are kept in a group of six or more.

6. Zebra Danio
This top water-dwelling fish can add movement and color to the top of an aquarium. Known for its zebra-like stripes that go down the length of its body, the Zebra Danio is considered an easy-to-care-for and nearly bulletproof fish. These are cold-water fish, so they do not require a heater.

7. Mollies
Known for the many varieties of colors and patterns, these live-bearer fish have been kept at some point by most fish keepers. These fish are very easy to breed and can be found in nearly every pet store.

8. White Cloud Minnows
With its striking colors, the White Cloud Minnows were once deemed the working man’s neon tetra, as they compared to the color of neon tetras, but for a lower cost. A cold-water fish, this species can survive in aquariums without a heater. They are found in most pet stores and are popular from beginners to the most experienced hobbyists.

9. Rummy Nose Tetras
Know for its red nose, the Rummy Nose Tetra can provide a pop of color in any aquarium. One cool thing about these fish is that they can give a visual indication when there might be some issues with a tank’s water parameters. When this fish is stressed there red nose color can begin to fade, giving an indication there is some type of issue. These are shoaling fish that should be kept in groups.

10. Cardinal Tetras
These excellent community fish are one of the most common fish found in the hobby. Compared regularly to the neon tetras due to their similarity in colors, this fish grows to be larger. Recommended to be kept in tanks larger than 20 gallons, this schooling fish is both common and a favorite to many in the hobby.